
Thrift is a framework that allows you to define serializable datatypes in a language-independent manner. These datatypes are described in .thrift files which conform to the Thrift Interface Description Language (IDL). The standard Thrift compiler will read Thrift IDLs and generate code for many different languages: Java, Python, JavaScript, C++, etc. We’ve built a custom Thrift compiler (documented here) which generates Scala code.

Data model

Thrift’s data model has the following base types:

  • bool - true/false boolean value (Java’s boolean)
  • byte - 8-bit signed integer (Java’s byte)
  • i16 - 16-bit signed integer (Java’s short)
  • i32 - 32-bit signed integer (Java’s int)
  • i64 - 64-bit signed integer (Java’s long)
  • double - 64 bit IEEE 754 double precision floating point number (Java’s double)
  • string - UTF-8 encoded text string (Java’s string)
  • binary - sequence of unencoded bytes (Java’s Array[Byte] or ByteBuffer)

Thrift’s data model includes an enum type (equivalent to Java’s enum). On the wire, enums are represented as 32-bit integers.

Thrift’s data model also has the following parametrized container types. The parameters <a> and <b> can be primitives, enums, or structs.

  • list<a> - ordered list of elements (Java’s List<A>)
  • set<a> - unordered list of unique elements (Java’s Set<A>)
  • map<a, b> - a map of unique keys to values (Java’s Map<A, B>). Warning: non-string map keys will fail at runtime if you try to use TBSONObjectProtocol.

Thrift includes three “class” types:

  • struct - numbered fields, with a type and an optional default value
  • union - tagged union types
  • exception - like structs, but can be used in the “throws” clause of a service

Finally, Thrift allows you to define constants and typedefs. A constant is a value of any Thrift type. A typedef is an alias of any Thrift type.

Interface definition language (IDL)

Thrift data structures are described in .thrift files which conform to the Thrift IDL grammar. You can see the Thrift Tutorial for an example, or reference the formal grammar.

Serialization formats

There are four serialization formats we use:

  • TBinaryProtocol - The original binary encoding included with Thrift. It is not well-documented, but is fairly simple. Field names are ommitted (only integer field identifiers are used), types are encoded as byte identifiers, sizes are prepended as integers.
  • TCompactProtocol - A more compact binary encoding. Also not well-documented, but somewhat described here
  • TReadableJSONProtocol - Reads and writes human-readable JSON. Unlike TJSONProtocol, ituses actual field names for keys, rather than field identifiers. If the field has a wire_name annotation, will use that instead of the name. Includes special handling for ObjectId.
  • TBSONObjectProtocol - Reads and writes BSON DBObjects. It uses field names for keys. If the field has a wire_name annotation, will use that instead of the name. Includes special handling for ObjectId and DateTime.