
Enumerations in Thrift are defined with the enum keyword. Enumeration values have names and integer identifiers. When compiled to Scala code, enumerations are represented by a class (of the same name as the enumeration), a companion object, and objects for each of the enumeration values (defined inside the companion object).

Enum value methods

The following methods are available on each value of an enumeration:

  • id - integer id of the enum value
  • name - string name of the enum value, as represented in Thrift source (not intended to be stable)
  • stringValue - string value of the enum value, as represented by string_value annotation in Thrift (intended to be stable); if there is no annotation, the name is used
  • compare - compare two enum values by their ids
  • meta - access the companion object for the enum

Companion object methods

The following methods are availabel on an enumeration’s companion object:

  • findById - given an integer id, return an Option of the enum value with that id, or None
  • findByIdOrNull - given an integer id, return the enum value with that id, or null
  • findByName - given a string name, return an Option of the enum value with that name, or None
  • findByNameOrNull - given a string name, return the enum value with that name, or null
  • findByStringValue - given an string value, return an Option of the enum value with that string value, or None
  • findByStringValueOrNull - given an string value, return the enum value with that string value, or null
  • unapply - alias for findByName (TODO: should be findByStringValue)

Matching and unknown values

Spindle will generate an additional value in every enum called UnknownWireValue. This value is meant to handle values read off the wire that do not correspond to any known enum value. This can happen when a value is added to an enum, and old code tries to deserialize a value written by new code. So in order for your enum matches to be exhaustive, you must also match against UnknownWireValue(id).


Example thrift:

enum ClientType {
  Android = 1
  Blackberry = 2
  IPhone = 3
  Web = 4

Example Scala:

val client: ClientType = ClientType.web

client match {
  case ClientType.Android => ...
  case ClientType.Blackberry => ...
  case ClientType.IPhone => ...
  case ClientType.Web => ...
  case ClientType.UnknownWireValue(id) => ???